Monday, August 24, 2009

Life of a Cub Fan

When I was a young lad (9 or 10), I was then as I am now, a diehard Cub fan. My mother and father passed the disease onto my brothers, and we did the same to our kids. I call it a disease because that's the only way I know how to describe being a Cub fan. I should have said an incurable disease, because once you are one, you are one for life. I don't care where you go. You can move to the north pole, and you are still a Cub fan. I have asked my parents time and time again why couldn't you have been a Yankee fan? Look what a happy life I would have had.

Anyway, when I was a youngster, I remember my father always saying "I will never see a world series as long as I live." I always thought he was exaggerating. Then he would look at me and say "it's too bad son because you will never see one either." Of course I would humor him by shaking my head in agreement but thinking deep down that the old man is nuts. I mean they have to win eventually. All teams win eventually. Well that was then, and now I see where the old man was coming from because I'm starting to think the same thing. After all my Grandfather passed away at 93 never getting to see his team win a world series, how pathetic. Now, I am starting to think that the Cubs don't want to win. Think about it...what's in it for them to win. Everyday the park is filled to capacity and they have fans all over the world. I mean think about it..... once they win, the hype is over, and they are just another team. But as it stands now, they get to be the only team who went nil for 100 years.... The Lovable Losers. As fans, we get mad about it, but look at it from a marketing stand point....chick-ching. I mean, think about do you think they are able to carry one of the top payroles year after year? They are not the highest, but they are in the top 10 most of the time.... Is this common for a team that hasn't won in over 100 years? What does that tell you about the organization?

I would like to hear feedback on this.....does anybody see my point or am I grasping at straws? The question is do they really want to win or not? From a money standpoint, I say no.


  1. You're funny. I suppose I should be grateful, father dearest, that you did not pass the disease onto me. It must be a recessive disorder - and one that my mother clearly does not have. Love ya!

  2. It can't be a disease because technically you don't have to pay attention to the Cubs, but aside from that, I think that the Cubs could definitely win a World Series if they put out a great bunch of guys that stayed healthy and continued to feed off of each other. It will probably be a team and a time that is unexpected...only God knows.
